Linux Installation


  1. Download the latest version of InfraBuddy from BuiltByBit.

  2. Join our Discord Server here and create a ticket, be sure to let staff know of your purchase.

  3. Once you have received your license key, you can move onto installing InfraBuddy!


This installation procedure was written and tested on Ubuntu 22.04. You may need to alter the commands shown for your specific OS. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on instructions to add!

Depending on your account permissions, you may be required to use 'sudo' as a preface to your commands to install InfraBuddy. You may install this as root, however it is not recommended.

  1. Login to your Linux Dedicated Server or VPS via SSH.

  2. Run the following command to make a working directory for InfraBuddy:

sudo mkdir /etc/infrabuddy
  1. With your InfraBuddy download from BuiltByBit, you will have received a ZIP file.

    1. Open the ZIP file and extract the "Files" directory to an easily accessible location.

    2. Transfer the contents inside of the "Files" directory to using your favorite FTP Program or File Management software.

  2. On your Linux machine, we need to make the file executable by the system. To do this, run:

If you installed InfraBuddy to a different location, please change the directory in the command below to point to the "infrabuddy" file.

sudo chmod +x /etc/infrabuddy/infrabuddy
  1. With your Linux machine still open, we need to setup a service for InfraBuddy to utilize - even when you're not logged in. Run the following command to create the service file, feel free to use another text editor if you'd like, however 'nano' is the most user friendly.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/infrabuddy.service
  1. With 'nano' now open, copy and paste the following into the file. You can do this on most SSH clients by either right-clicking in the SSH prompt, or by right-clicking the top titlebar and choosing 'paste'.

Description=InfraBuddy Resource Monitor



If you created a different directory than in Step 2 of this Installation Procedure, change the values of ExecStart and WorkingDirectory to reflect your changes.

  1. Once you have the above pasted into the "infrabuddy.service" file, press CTRL+X. It will then ask if you would like to save changes. Press Y and than press ENTER.

  2. After your file is saved, run the following command to enable InfraBuddy on boot.

sudo systemctl enable --now infrabuddy
  1. You may now configure InfraBuddy using your favorite text editor. Follow the same instructions as in Steps 6 and 7 to open the config.toml file (you shouldn't copy the services script listed between Steps 6 and 7). Configuration options and their uses are listed in the config.toml file.

  2. Once InfraBuddy is configured, you can start it by running:

sudo systemctl start infrabuddy

Other commands you can use to power InfraBuddy:

sudo systemctl stop infrabuddy

sudo systemctl restart infrabuddy

sudo systemctl status infrabuddy

If you are making a support request for InfraBuddy, please include the output of the systemctl status command listed above. It will greatly aid us in troubleshooting with you.

  1. That's it! Enjoy your new buddy. If any errors occur, please do not hesitate to reach out to InfraCharm.

Last updated