Example config.toml

Listed below is an example of InfraBuddy's Configuration File.

# .-..-. .-..----..----.   .--.  .----. .-. .-..----. .----..-.  .-.
# | ||  `| || {_  | {}  } / {} \ | {}  }| { } || {}  \| {}  \\ \/ / 
# | || |\  || |   | .-. \/  /\  \| {}  }| {_} ||     /|     / }  {  
# `-'`-' `-'`-'   `-' `-'`-'  `-'`----' `-----'`----' `----'  `--'  
# This program requires a license key to operate.
# If you do not have a license key, please join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/k3n2vy95yW
# This program is only distributed on BuiltByBit.

#                                          #
#                Licensing                 #
#                                          #

license_key = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

#                                          #
#            Discord Options               #
#                                          #

webhook_url = "DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL"
embed_title = "My Server Info"
embed_color = "#e51448"
# Do not go below 10s for updates. This will trigger the Discord rate limit.
update_interval = "10s"

#                                          #
#            Resource Options              #
#                                          #

show_memory = true
memory_in_mb = false
show_cpu = true

#                                          #
#            Network Options               #
#                                          #

show_network_usage = true
# Network interfaces to include
# Use '[]' (without the quotes) to display all interfaces
network_interfaces = ["eth0"]

#                                          #
#            Tagging Options               #
#                                          #

user_tags_enabled = false
user_tags = ["USER_OR_GROUP_ID"]

#                                          #
#            Footer Options                #
#                                          #

optional_message_enabled = false
optional_message = "Optional Footer Message"

Last updated